Think about your business in a whole new way
Is there a way to prevent or stop collectors from deleting accounts on the recall list?Is there is an option in the base code to prevent collectors from accessing the recall list?Continue
Started by DUANE MIRANDA in Account Management Dec 27, 2024.
Hey there, I am wondering what phone systems you all are using? We have a VOIP system currently that requires an app and headset and we are having lots of issues. Looking for any thoughts,…Continue
Started by Julie Fallang in Vendors & Third Party Products Mar 20, 2024.
Transaction date at data entry (manual) does not alert the person entering an account if the transaction date is too old to collect. Sometimes people can make an error and enter the BIRTH DATE at…Continue
Tags: errors, date, Transaction
Started by Kimberly Stone in Enhancements Feb 26, 2024.
we have an ongoing issue when it comes to settlement accounts payment disbursements and having them closed correctly once the payment(s) are applied.this has been an issue for as long as i can…Continue
Started by David Sopourn in Account Management Nov 29, 2023.
There are several tools that technology has that can change the face of creating campaigns for dialers, voice drops, and texts, and emails.1) There are vendors who do call scoring now. The phone is…Continue
Started by Kimberly Stone in Enhancements Sep 29, 2023.
Does anyone else email client their month end statements? I would LOVE to have the statements available on the client portal. The majority of my clients are direct deposit and it would be great if…Continue
Started by Bethany Robertson in Enhancements. Last reply by Angela Trunk Sep 29, 2023.
I'd love to see a "clickable" work map function. Collector is viewing their work map and wants to view accounts in NEW BUSINESS STANDARD AM- just click on the number of accounts under that criteria…Continue
Started by Angela Trunk in Enhancements. Last reply by Angela Trunk Sep 29, 2023.
I am working with my team on handling deceased consumers to clean up some inventory. What have you found most effective in deceased consumers? Do you utilize the date of death field in the Tab Q…Continue
Started by Courtney Barlow in Enhancements. Last reply by Angela Trunk Aug 23, 2023.
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Please use this section to discuss the rule, your ideas, to share information and ask questions from others. Quantrax will post updates in the "Forum" under "Educational Sessions".
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Posted by Ranjan Dharmaraja on June 15, 2021 at 3:34am — 2 Comments
We are experiencing issues where the phone bot (Alex) is often interpreting names of the caller inaccurately and not even close to the name repeated by the caller, i.e. if the caller says "Same" Alex will record as "Saint" or "Same" in stead of the callers name or caller says name is "Tammy" and is "recorded as "Ray" Is anyone else having similar issues?
Posted by Michael J Collins on January 25, 2021 at 2:10pm — 5 Comments
Good Morning,
In the past we used Probate Finder for this purpose but recently had some issues and are looking for another vender. Can anyone recommend one?
Posted by Joanne Marie Koehler on March 12, 2018 at 9:21am — 1 Comment
i am wondering how/if any of you who are using voapps track the success rate of these drops? Its easy enough to know the accounts that you successfully left a drop. however, how are you tracking positive returns on these?
Posted by Julie Fallang on December 27, 2017 at 3:09pm — 2 Comments
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